Divorce makes people feel vulnerable and powerless, even the spouse that initiated proceedings. Such feelings can multiply when wealth and high-value assets are at stake, especially in already contentious divorces.
Both parties to a divorce want (and deserve) a fair share of marital property, but who gets to say what makes each share equitable? Family court judges.
The judge will approve the settlement you negotiated with your spouse or make the arrangements for you if you cannot agree on property division. That is one reason it is vital to account for all marital property through a comprehensive investigation.
Marital misconduct
Spousal misconduct can play a role in the final property settlement of a South Carolina divorce. For example, proving your spouse abused you or committed adultery could increase your share of marital property.
A private divorce investigator can help a spouse find evidence to support claims of adultery or misconduct. Investigators can use surveillance, scour social media accounts and employ several other investigative means to prove such misconduct.
Hidden assets
Private investigators can also help you locate marital assets. For example, if you believe your spouse has secret offshore bank accounts, an investigation can help you find them. In turn, you can receive your deserved portion of those undisclosed assets.
Before hiring a private investigator, you may need to take your concerns to a divorce representative experienced in high-asset cases. They can help you find a reputable investigator or connect you with one they know and trust. Discussing the matter also helps ensure you need these services before you shell out a lot of money.